Meme Entry – How I feel when my husband asks me for sex – IC problems
How I feel when my husband asks me for sex!
How I feel when my husband asks me for sex!
I might as well just sleep on the toilet tonight since I keep getting up to pee every 1o minutes. Interstitial Cystitis Problems!
The look your Dr. gives you when you mention interstitial cystitis.
When you cheat on your IC diet and know that in a few hours you're going to feel the pain.. but in that moment you don't care.
Why must my IC medications be so damn expensive? Can I put it on layaway? I might be able to get it out by Christmas!
No, it's not a UTI. It's Called Interstitial Cystitis
IC; A United Front
"Living Life with Faith, Strength & Courage; Never Giving Up HOPE!!!"
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