Donate IC Books To Your Local Library
If you tried to get information on IC and visited your local library, you probably found ZILCH! Yes, that’s right, most public libraries do not carry books on IC unless a patient or a support group donates one or two. So, think about making a gift of a book to a local library!
We suggest the following UP TO DATE books –
- IC 101: Its Not Just A Bladder Disease (2021)
- The Interstitial Cystitis Solution (2016)
- The IC Chef Cookbook (2015)
- Heal Pelvic Pain by Amy Stein
- Confident Choices: Customizing the IC Diet by Julie Beyer RD
- Confident Choices: A Cookbook for IC & OAB by Julie Beyer RD
You can order these books through the Interstitial Cystitis Network where your order will support our IC Awareness Month Campaign.
Donate IC Books To Low Income Patients
The ICN often provides books at no cost to patients who are low income and struggling. Our pile of available books is dependent upon patient donations. If you can afford to help others, think about donating some books to our low income assistance program. The books listed above are an excellent choice. Please place these orders BY PHONE (707-433-0413, 800-928-7496) rather than through our online shop!