If you are considering making a donation to further the cause of IC:

#1 – Think Local

Is there a nearby support group that could use an extra $25 to help underwrite their costs? Often support group leaders pay for support group activities out of their own pockets. They may not ask, but they can undoubtedly use some help! Give them a call and ask if there is anything that you can do to help in their efforts. It may be funding, it may be helping to find a meeting location or perhaps assembling newsletters. The more hands available, the better! Search our list of support groups.

#2 – Keep money raised in your state, province or country IN your state, province or country!

As much as we’d love to receive your contributions at the IC Network, we think money raised in YOUR area should, ideally, benefit the patients in YOUR area. Yes, we really said that. In this economy, we believe that the most important participants in the IC movement aren’t the national or international organizations, rather organizations that deliver DIRECT, affordable physical services to patients in need in your community.

We commend IC patients Delia & Victoria Hernandez for setting up an Interstitial Cystitis Endowed Fund at KU Med Hospital during the 2010 IC Awareness campaign which benefits patients in the Kansas City area. From support groups to research centers, low income organizations to health advocacy programs, these are the groups that make the biggest difference. Please carefully consider the needs of your region and then support those organizations that are truly making a difference, whether it be food banks, senior centers, health organizations and more!

#3 – Support research studies

We encourage you to donate directly to IC research centers whenever possible! For residents of the USA & Canada, here are some of the research centers that we think are worthy of your potential donations.

William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak Michigan

William Beaumont Hospital is a force in interstitial cystitis research in the USA. Led by Ken Peters MD, their urology research efforts continue to produce vibrant, meaningful studies. In Spring 2011, they released promising new research for a new diagnostic urine test for IC that could reduce the need for invasive, painful testing. You can contact them for additional information at: (248)551-5330 or by visiting their website at: http://www.beaumont.edu/research-urology

The Urologic Research & Education Foundation, San Diego, CA

The UREF funds some of the IC research studies currently run by Dr. C. Lowell Parsons at UC San Diego. In the past few years, Dr. Parsons has made great strides forward in the clinical care of IC patients, particularly with the creation of the PUF diagnostic questionnaire that may save thousands of patients from undergoing more painful procedures. He’s studied the incidence of IC as a hidden cause pelvic pain in ob-gyn clinics across the country. He’s also conducted research demonstrating that rescue instillations can be helpful in reducing IC pain and flares! You may know him most as a key researcher of Elmiron.

PO Box 16928
San Diego, CA 92176
Tax ID: 95-3325934

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Miami, FL

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine Chicago, IL

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO

University of Iowa Iowa City, IA

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Stanford University Palo Alto, CA
UCLA School of Medicine

Queens University, Kington ON