Now Accepting Memes

Funny, irreverent, witty, bold and often ridiculous, meme’s make a statement. A funny or shocking meme can be shared thousands of times across the internet where they could inspire patients to actually google IC. Last year, we had dozens of funny, irreverent and powerful memes that truly made an impact. They were shared thousands of times across the internet and were a big part of our IC Awareness Month campaign.

How Can I Make A Meme?

Several websites offer free meme making services. You can pick your favorite picture, add text and then share it with your friends. Here are some services that we like!


  • Required – It should say “Interstitial cystitis”or “IC”
  • Optional – It can say


Selected entries may be given Amazon Gift Cards.

How Can I Submit My Meme?

It’s very easy. Just share your meme on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and anywhere else you frequent. But you must ALSO email it to us for consideration for the award! Entries due by September 30th.

E-mail it to: (We’re having some mail issues… please call us at 707-538-9442 if it’s not going through so we can give you an alternate email address)